As many Americans returned from the holidays Monday, 1,082,549 new COVID-19 cases were reported, according to JHU. Nearly 828,000 deaths have been reported in the U.S. since the pandemic began.

The U.S. military is facing backlash in Japan. Okinawa’s governor has slammed the U.S. for an outbreak of COVID-19 cases on military bases there, which the government says has spread to local communities.

Brazil’s government suspended cruise ship activity along its shores, until at least Jan. 21, as the Omicron variant spreads. Almost 800 new cases were reported on cruise ships in the nine days following Dec. 26, Brazil’s national health regulator said.

The largest pediatric hospital in the U.S., Texas Children’s Hospital, announced a 400% rise in COVID-19-related child hospitalizations in the last two weeks.

The rate of positivity for coronavirus tests administered in India’s Delhi has reached 8.37%, as the government there encouraged residents not to leave their homes and enacted new restrictions.

